’Perspective’ Training Center

The ’Perspective’ Training Center was established in 2005 with the aim of giving the population of Berehove and the district the opportunity to participate in vocational training in Hungarian language.  Individuals who were learning here, took part in social worker and computer user accredited training.

Training of social workers working in the area is an important task, so the professionals working in the district obtained their professional qualifications at the ’Perspective’ Center.  Furthermore, the retraining and further training of the unemployed was carried out in our center based on the order of the employment center of Berehove.

The Training Center co-operates with educational institutions providing higher education and vocational training, at city, district and county level, as well as with educational institutions in Hungary. Since its establishment, it has been cooperating with the County and District Unemployment Center, the District and City Educational Department, and the Methodological Center of the County’s Vocational Training Institutions.

Previous educational programs

Support to marginalized groups, networking and organizational development in Western Ukraine (2006-2008) Objective: to provide free educational opportunities for the unemployed; legal, social and psychological counseling, networking.

EU enterpreneurship training and knowledge transfer for Transcarpathian enterpreneurs (2009) The 44 small entrepreneurs participating in the training got acquainted with business opportunities within the European Union, bilateral Hungarian-Ukrainian cooperation, the topics of business entrepreneurship, company formation, company operation, patent protection, tender writing and tender monitoring.

Information Dissemination and Equal Access program (2009-2013) Objective: to support vulnerable young people, including the unemployed, who want to learn how to use a computer and acquire the skills needed to enter the labor market

Roma rights in Ukraine, helping Roma youths complete their secondary education (2010-2011) The program helped local Roma youths complete their studies through various group and individual development training courses thus supporting their further education.

Labor market training programs for the disadvantaged in Berehove and Miskolc (2011-2012) During the two-year program, nearly 400 people took part in social and legal counseling, 100 unemployed people in accredited IT training which were supplemented with English and Ukrainian language courses.

Supporting children in crisis in Berehove (from 2012) Objective: to establish social and professional cooperation to improve the mental, physical health and school catch-up of children facing crisis. Donor: World Childhood Foundation (Stockholm, Sweden)

Incorporating the CIP (Complex Instruction Program) method into children’s school education (from 2013) The general objective of the program is to incorporate methods of integrated education into school educational process, enabling successful learning for children coming from different social backgrounds, and having special educational needs. Donor: World Childhood Foundation (Stockholm, Sweden)   

English Access Microscholarship Program (2019-2021)

Initiative of the US Embassy in Ukraine. The program’s objective is to enable young people living in disadvantaged, low-income families to learn English, deepen their language skills, learn about US culture, customs, and values; involve them in civic initiatives of local importance, increasing their leadership skills, building local community.

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Please, support the work  of the ADVANCE center in Berehove to help even more families with food, firewood and child development programs!




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