About us

The ADVANCE Transcarpathian Advocacy and Development Center was established in 2000 as a result of the cooperation of Hungarian Interchurch Aid, the Swiss Protestant Aid Organization (HEKS) and private individuals in Ukraine. Our goal is to provide better conditions for disadvantaged families and children through the implementation of social, educational and humanitarian programs.

We perform our activities in the spirit of openness and adherence to humanitarian principles. Our work is carried out in accordance with the Code of Conduct developed jointly by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent Society, and accepted also by the UN.

There are two main areas of our activities:

  • increasing the employment opportunities of the disadvantaged, thereby improving their living conditions,
  • promoting the development of the civil sphere in Transcarpathia

Our community comprises trained professionals, enthusiastic supporters and sacrificial partners whose help allowed the Center to carry out its humanitarian and development activities successfully for more than 20 years.

Executive director: Mária Fischer


Magyar Ökumenikus Segélyszervezet https://segelyszervezet.hu/

HEKS – https://en.heks.ch/

Európai Unió https://europa.eu/

Batory Foundation – https://www.batory.org.pl/en/

Magyarország Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztériuma https://kormany.hu/kulgazdasagi-es-kulugyminiszterium

APRODEV (Association of World Council of Churches related Development Organisations in Europe)

Corvinus Egyetem https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/

PH International – https://www.ph-int.org/

Project Harmony, Inc. Ukraine

USA Ukrajnai Nagykövetsége https://ua.usembassy.gov/

World Childhood Foundation – https://childhood.org/about-childhood/

Bethlen Gábor Alap – https://bgazrt.hu

Megyei Jogú Városok Szövetsége http://www.mjvsz.hu/

Beregszász Város Önkormányzata – http://beregovo-beregszasz.gov.ua/ua/

Beregszászi Városi Tanács Oktatási és Kulturális Főosztálya – https://beregovo-dec.gov.ua/

Beregszászi Járási Közigazgatási Hivatal – https://bereg-rda.gov.ua/

Local contractors whom we work with:

Knobloch Sándor

Danyilas Ihor

Kulikovszkij Halina

Popovics Mária


Please, support the work  of the ADVANCE center in Berehove to help even more families with food, firewood and child development programs!




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